http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7r5RYThiHM Studio Recording
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEsmXbjcyg&feature=related Live
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfEsmXbjcyg&feature=related Live
One of my best memories of college in Washington D.C. is WHFS. It was a homegrown, free form, radio station in Bethesda MD. The DJs created their own playlists, and all types of music was played. It was a noncommerical,commercial radio station. It exposed me to so much new and old music. My favourite DJ was the Weasel. He sounded just like that, a weasel. I luckily have a cassette of him I recorded doing about an hour and half on a St. Patrick's day. Every once in awhile I will pull this out and go back to those days.
I am sure that was the first place I heard this pop gem. It has made it's way on to many a mix tape. I put two links, as I didn't really like the live performance, but thought some of you may enjoy seeing what they looked like. I didn't. I likely bought this single at the record shop in Rockville MD (home of Joan Jett, "She put the rock in Rockville" as Weasel used to say), on the Rockville Pike. I can't believe I don't remember the name of the shop (Got it. Yesterday and Today Records). They had two store fronts in a strip mall. One dedicated to 45s. All the 45s categorized and on shelves or in bins. Not many places devote that kind of time and space to 45s.
This song is the perfect example of a song that was played on WHFS , but nowhere else in DC. Now a days I get my musical appetite fed from WFUV out of NYC and a new station WITH out of Ithaca NY. Both public radio stations that I listen to on the net. Look them up you can listen too.
I am sure that was the first place I heard this pop gem. It has made it's way on to many a mix tape. I put two links, as I didn't really like the live performance, but thought some of you may enjoy seeing what they looked like. I didn't. I likely bought this single at the record shop in Rockville MD (home of Joan Jett, "She put the rock in Rockville" as Weasel used to say), on the Rockville Pike. I can't believe I don't remember the name of the shop (Got it. Yesterday and Today Records). They had two store fronts in a strip mall. One dedicated to 45s. All the 45s categorized and on shelves or in bins. Not many places devote that kind of time and space to 45s.
This song is the perfect example of a song that was played on WHFS , but nowhere else in DC. Now a days I get my musical appetite fed from WFUV out of NYC and a new station WITH out of Ithaca NY. Both public radio stations that I listen to on the net. Look them up you can listen too.
Being from No. Va., I too was a big fan of WHFS. I went to a couple HFS-tivals. Did you? Up and coming bands on three different stages. Crazy time. The last time i rolled thru town, i tuned in to 99.1 and was horrified to hear that it was still WHFS, but something evil sounding and yukky had possessed it. Or - oh wait - i'm getting old and out of touch with 'that scene' now. Oh well. Good times then. Good times.