I played the B side on this one. Neither of these is a favourite of mine, but I like the picture sleeve. Whenever I hear this song I have this image of some poor roadie left to please himself for the night, while the beautiful young woman heads off to the hotel with Russ Kunkle. Recorded backstage at Saratoga Performing Arts, which is kinda neat as this is the first place I ever saw Jackson.
I started this project of 100 singles five days ago. On the same day I started reading Patti Smith's memoir "Just Kids." It chronicles her early life in NYC and her relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe. I am really enjoying her description of the late 60s, early 70s, art scene in New York, as well as the musical references. Anyway, last night I am about half way through the book and this appears:
"A few evenings later Matthew appeared out of nowhere with a boxful of 45s. ....... 'Do you have any singles' he asked anxiously. I got up and rummaged through the laundry and found my singles box, which was creamed colored and covered with musical notes. He immediately counted our combined collection. 'I was right,' he said. 'We have just the right number.'
'The right number for what?'
'For a night of one hundred records.'
... We played them one after another,...."
I don't even own a Patti Smith record, but I will soon.
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